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Benefits of Membership

  • Monthly club meetings in a modern, well equipped venue and featuring demonstrations by highly talented local, regional or nationally recognized turners. 
  • Weekly, Tuesday morning work meeting at Franck's workshop to help with things in the workshop, cut, split and stack wood in exchange for free wood to turn. As always, great group discussions and advice freely available. Arrive between 8am and 9am, leave at lunch time or whenever you need to leave.
  • Technical sessions/courses or supervised open turning sessions with experienced club members at various member's workshops.
  • Ability to try out the latest in turning equipment and tools.
  • Learn how to ensure safe turning in your own workshop.
  • Access to wood, turning tools and supplies at a very reasonable cost.
  • Notification of woodturning events at the local, state and national level.
  • Modern, informative website with member's only section (Forum for discussion, documents for download, etc.)
  • Interaction with other turnings clubs in southwest Florida.
  • Opportunity to participate in various programs for the betterment of the less fortunate. See details.
  • Fellowship with others who are passionate about woodturning.

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